work·shop (wûrk'shŏp')
1. A room, area, or small establishment where manual work, construction and repairs are carried out
2. An educational seminar or series of meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of participants
leaf.mon·key (lēf'mŭng'kē)
1. The only species of large mammal and primate that is suspected to be endemic to Singapore in the subspecies of Presbytis femoralis femoralis (Banded Leafmonkey).
2. An online weblog persona behind the nature and heritage blog, Midnight Monkey Monitor (
3. A nature lover, blogger, writer and environmental management researcher, volunteer and practitioner that organizes capacity building and community engagement workshops in this intellectual garage (read: workshop) for the like-minded and interested Homo sapiens (and other animalia).
The Leafmonkey Workshop organizes workshops and provide a platform for networking, learning, sharing and doing for nature groups, nature volunteers and nature lovers. Want to find out more about who we are, read our About Us section. Visit our catalogue to find out more about our past workshops.